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Liberty Revolution and its signature art form Fire Inside have evolved from a series of occurrences at the epic, annual Burning Man gathering in Nevada. A collection of monuments has evolved within the "Burning Community" through a series of public events and exclusive showings for over a decade. Here is a look into the rich past of this mesmerizing new art form and how it came to be a powerful ritual. If you haven't noticed, we love art, fire and Liberty, combining them and sharing them between the two communities is what Liberty (R)evolution is designed to do.

Spring '06

Spring '06

Things would never the same again after crossing over the dusty playa, this was the start of an adventure.

Spring '06

Spring '06

Timeless' peak into a "ranger meeting", an inspiring moment of with the burner community.

Spring '07

Spring '07

Sculpture preparations for instillation at Burning Man, themed "Greenman".

Spring '07

Spring '07

Starting production of the "Nexis" sculpture for "Greenman" instillation, "America Enlightening the World Again".

Spring '07

Spring '07

"Nexis" in the beginning phases of its creation.

Spring '07

Spring '07

The sun casting her rays down on "Nexis" as she comes more into life daily.

Spring '07

Spring '07

Timeless, carving away on "Nexis" preparing her for his first Burning man instillation.

Spring '07

Spring '07

Standing in all her glory before she's off to the playa.

Burning Man '07

Burning Man '07

"Nexis" all set up on the playa, the carving continues.

Burning Man '07

Burning Man '07

"Speed of thought" displayed for the first time on the playa.

Burning Man '07

Burning Man '07

"Eagles Gift" getting a taste of the playa.

Burning Man '07

Burning Man '07

First Burning Man instillation "America Enlightening the World...Again" featuring the "Nexis" and the Guardians of Liberty.

Burning Man '07

Burning Man '07

One of the many Guardians, "Assemblage point" standing proudly on the playa.

Burning Man '07

Burning Man '07

Heres a look at the first of many playa adventures for Guardian, "Unification Theory."

Burning Man '07

Burning Man '07

The double rainbow from 2007. It just so happens the instillation randomly ended up dead center below in this famous picture. One in a million shot.

Burning Man '07

Burning Man '07

Devastation hits, Timeless returns to carve Sunday morning after The Man burns, finding everything burnt to a crisp.

Burning Man '07

Burning Man '07

"Nexis" burnt to a crisp by an arsonist. Captured the morning after the attack it would become the iconic face of Liberty (R)evolution.

Burning Man '07

Burning Man '07

"Nexis" remains through the chaos and destruction of the flames, still standing in her glory.



The masters trailer and collection of chainsaws and other tools were roasted, no longer functional.

Burning Man '07

Burning Man '07

Little did Timeless know, this dramatic series of events would lead him on even greater adventure.

Fall '07

Fall '07

After the event Timeless begins work on a study for the hand and torch of his next statue of Liberty, "Secret Power of Attraction".

Fall '07

Fall '07

"Secret Power of Attraction" wax maquette all ready for molding.

Fall '07

Fall '07

Crew member helps with molding process for "Secret Power of Attraction".

Fall '07

Fall '07

All ready to pour.

Fall '07

Fall '07

Continued mold making process.

Winter-Spring '08

Winter-Spring '08

"Secret Power of Attraction" goes into production.

Winter-Spring '08

Winter-Spring '08

Log for "Secret Power of Attraction."

Winter-Spring '08

Winter-Spring '08

Wax Marquette guides the wooden enlargement.

Winter-Spring '08

Winter-Spring '08

Refining "Secret Power of Attraction".

Winter-Spring '08

Winter-Spring '08

Detail work.

Winter-Spring '08

Winter-Spring '08

Applying the finish to "Secret Power of Attraction".

Flipside '08

Flipside '08

Friendly local guides "Secret Power of Attraction" to Burning Man sister event, Flipside, in Texas.

Flipside '08

Flipside '08

Instillation at Flipside, "Secret Power of Attraction".

Flipside '08

Flipside '08

Something about participation puts a smile on a persons face.

Flipside '08

Flipside '08

Another ecstatic helper buffs the sculpture with rags.

Flipside '08

Flipside '08

"Secret Power of Attraction" receives a glorious hug.

Spring '08

Spring '08

Wax production begins for the Libertyesque "Hand of Order".

Spring '08

Spring '08

Completed wax maquette for "Hand of Order".

Spring '08

Spring '08

Creating the mold for the "Hand of Order" maquette.

Spring '08

Spring '08


Spring '08

Spring '08

Acquiring the Cedar log for "Hand of Order" in Tahoe City California.

Spring '08

Spring '08

Crane lifting the giant cedar log off the hillside.

Summer '08

Summer '08

"Nexis", in protective wrapping as production of "Hand of Order" begins.

Summer '08

Summer '08

Chunk by chunk the bulk is removed.

Summer '08

Summer '08

Slowly she emerges from the log.

Summer '08

Summer '08

Working his way down.

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

Preparing "Hand of Order" for departure to Burning Man, this years theme "American Dream".

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

Arrived on the playa safely, ready to stand proudly.

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

Ascending into place.

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

Now 30 feet tall,"Hand of Order" stands on the playa for the first time. She is at about the same stage of completion as "Nexis" had been when she was silenced.

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

"The Choice" instillation at a distance.

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

One year after the arson attack Timeless returns to continue his carving on the new 30ft version of "Nexis", "Hand of Order"

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

"Assemblage Point" and other Guardians returns to the playa with "The Choice" instillation.

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

"Moving Pictures", another one of the many Guardians, in place to protect Liberty.

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

"Speed of Thought" in its second appearance at the burn.

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

"Secret Power of Attraction" makes a first appearance on the playa.

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

"Hand of Order" stands ready to resume production.

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

"Hand of Order" in her first instillation, "The Choice" at "American Dream".

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

"Nexis" returns to the playa as "Rein of Anarchy" one year after the arson attack.

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

Several days of soaking "Rein of Anarchy" in paraffin oil, in an attempt to retire her in flames!

Burning Man 2008

Burning Man 2008

"Rein of Anarchy" engulfed in flames in a retirement ceremony.

Burning man '08

Burning man '08

Did we mention we like fire?

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

Celebrating "Rein of Anarchy", burning in the night.

Burning Man '08

Burning Man '08

After a night of roaring flames "Rein of Anarchy" lay, still nearly intact while her massive stump pedestal is almost completely consumed.

Fall '08

Fall '08

Scaffolding is erected so production of "Hand of Order" may continue.

Fall '08

Fall '08

Refining her shape.

Fall '08

Fall '08

Nearing completion.

Nevada Day Parade '08

Nevada Day Parade '08

Front of the "Hand of Order" float.

Nevada Day Parade

Nevada Day Parade

Timeless, in performance art, calling out for Liberty.

Nevada Day Parade '08

Nevada Day Parade '08

Side view of the "Hand of Order" float.

Winter '08

Winter '08

Applying the finish to "Hand of Order".

Winter '08

Winter '08

"Hand of Order" completed.

Spring '09

Spring '09

Building the model for the "Hand of Order" pedestal.

Spring '09

Spring '09

"Hand of Order's" pedestal, "Thpyre" being constructed full scale.

Summer '09

Summer '09

Delicate rigging in preparation for transport to Burning Man.

Summer '09

Summer '09

"Hand of Order" loaded and almost ready to make yet another appearance on the playa.

Burning Man '09

Burning Man '09

Burning Man "Evolution" tickets arrives! Crew is spooked by the man in the illistration who they say looks just like Timeless.

Burning Man '09

Burning Man '09

Preparations to erecting "Hand of Order" on the playa once again.

Burning Man '09

Burning Man '09

Standing up a 30' sculpture takes some serious effort.

Burning Man '09

Burning Man '09

"Hand of Order" standing in her new pedistal on the playa.

Burning Man '09

Burning Man '09

The Guardians make it to the playa for a third time.

Burning Man '09

Burning Man '09

"Moving Pictures" with a stunning back drop.

Burning Man '09

Burning Man '09

"Unification Theory" surviving a dust storm.

Reno Decompression '09

Reno Decompression '09

The Guardians make an appearance at the Reno Decompression with "Hand of Order."

Reno Decompression '09

Reno Decompression '09

"Hand of Order" lit up at the Reno decompression.

Winter '09

Winter '09

"Hand of Order" makes an appearance at a Tea Party rally.

Winter '09

Winter '09

Art makes a powerful Tea Party statement.

Winter '10

Winter '10

"Hand of Order" at its second Tea Party appearance.

Winter '10

Winter '10

Tea Party #2.

Spring '10

Spring '10

Guardians make an appearance at Burner Town Hall meeting in Reno.

Spring '10

Spring '10

"Speed of Thought" glowing on the trailer for Burner Town Hall meet up.

Spring '10

Spring '10

Liberty (R)evolution instillation in Whole Foods Market parking lot, Reno.

Spring '10

Spring '10

"Unification Theory" continues her journey as one of the Guardians of Liberty.

Spring '10

Spring '10

"Speed of Thought" making its way through communities with Liberty (R)evolution.

Summer '10

Summer '10

Ski Run Marina instillation graphics.

Summer '10

Summer '10

"Hand of Order" being erected at Ski Run Marina for her first Tahoe instillation as Guardians stand watch.

Summer '10

Summer '10

Beautiful sunset glow surrounding "Hand of Order."

Summer '10

Summer '10

Ski Run Marina view with the famous Tahoe Dixie in the background.

Summer '10

Summer '10

One of the many articles documenting the journey.

Summer '10

Summer '10

Liberty will always need Guardians to stand as protectors.

Summer '10

Summer '10

Timeless Sculptures installs a Gallery at Ski Run Marina while the Revolution resides in its meadow.

Summer '10

Summer '10

Works by Timeless and apprentices displayed in the gallery at Ski Run Marina.

Summer '10

Summer '10

Painting by William Harris depicts Timeless working on the wax maquette for "Hand of Order".

Summer '10

Summer '10

Works by Timeless's at the Ski Run gallery.

Fall '10

Fall '10

One of the many carving performances by Timeless at the Ski Run Marina.

Fall '10

Fall '10

"Old McFeeb" carving performance at the Ski Run Marina.

Fall '10

Fall '10

Ski Run Marina carving performance with Snowshoe Thompson, or "Freedom Rider".

Fall '10

Fall '10

View from inside a cauldron placed for Liberty (R)evolution Convergence, an event promoting the arts at Tahoe.

Fall '10

Fall '10

Reds Regan doing a live painting performance at the Convergence.

Fall '10

Fall '10

Live sculpting at the Convergence with apprentice Adam Bradly.

Fall '10

Fall '10

All sorts of performances took place at the Liberty (R)evolution Convergence, including live music.

Fall '10

Fall '10

Liberty (R)evolution Convergence burning into the night.

Burning Man '12

Burning Man '12

The first Fire Inside burn ever on playa at Gallavant's ARRRGH BAR!

Burning Man '12

Burning Man '12

Feeding the fire.

Burning Man '12

Burning Man '12

Fire becomes both creative and destructive.

Burning Man '12

Burning Man '12

Fire Inside burns create an almost other worldly atmosphere that takes the viewers deep within themselves.

Burning Man '12

Burning Man '12

Magic with fire.

Burning Man '12

Burning Man '12

Sparking fires in the soul.

Burner Party '12

Burner Party '12

Timeless hanging with other artist practicing Fire Inside at a burner party.

Burner Party '12

Burner Party '12

The Fire Meister working his magic on the flames.

Burner Party '12

Burner Party '12

"Ol' McFeeb" with Painless Ranger and Thomas posing in a photo with Fire Inside burning in the foreground.

Burner Party '12

Burner Party '12

The flames cause an eruption of energy and magic releasing the spirit of the wood.

Reno Decomp '12

Reno Decomp '12

"Ol' McFeeb" becomes "Ship of Fools" at the Fall Reno Decompression.

Reno Decomp '12

Reno Decomp '12

"Ship of Fools" about to go up in smoke.

Reno Decomp '12

Reno Decomp '12

"Ship of Fools" burns into the night.

Reno Decomp '12

Reno Decomp '12

Driving the flames with the breath of burners.

Spring '13

Spring '13

Maquette for "Aku Aku" comes to life.

Spring '13

Spring '13

Log for "Aku Aku".

Spring '13

Spring '13

Hes in there alright.

Spring '13

Spring '13

Chunk by chunk the Moai begins taking form.

Spring '13

Spring '13

Refined and ready for the playa.

Summer '13

Summer '13

A log waits for "Anunnaki Watch".

Summer '13

Summer '13

Removing chunks to reveal the face within.

Summer '13

Summer '13

Working out the face of the sphinx.

Summer '13

Summer '13

Bit by bit "Anunnaki Watch" emerges.

Summer '13

Summer '13

Refined and ready for Burning Man with his playa swag.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

"Aku Aku" and "Anunnaki Watch" first arrive to "Cargo Cult" with some of the Guardians.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

Crew member Ood guiding "Aku Aku" into place.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

"Anunnaki Watch" on playa, awaiting its Fire Inside transformation.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

"Aku Aku" and "Anuannki Watch" displayed on playa with "Choice Bell" centered between them, to balance civilization. These relics of history represent the extreme antiquity of Liberty.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

Free spirit of Liberty.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

Participants gather in amazement at the massive wood presence on the playa.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

Looking to the past.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

"Aku Aku" starting to burn within.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

This photo of "Aku Aku" was Featured in Rolling Stones magazine's annual Burning Man album. This was the only artwork being consumed by fire to be included in that collection.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

Flames driving deep within "Anunnaki Watch"

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

Aku Aku's spirit glowing from within.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

Timeless and his one man crew posing with "Annunaki Watch" as the fire begins to grow.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

Cool to the touch as fire roars insdie.

Burning Man '13

Burning Man '13

The fiery cavern begins to spread.

Spring '14

Spring '14

"Fertility" displayed at the Morris Burner Hotel in Reno.

Spring '14

Spring '14

Even after the flames the sculptures make their way into communities with a powerful presence.

Spring '14

Spring '14

Gathering in wonder and amazement around "Fertility."

Spring '15

Spring '15

First Beach Retreat instillation underway.

Spring '15

Spring '15

Sculptures take off for Lake Tahoe.

Spring '15

Spring '15

Unloading "Aku Aku" at Lake Tahoe.

Spring '15

Spring '15

"Eagles Gift" displayed on the grounds of Tahoe Beach Retreat.

Spring '15

Spring '15

Gathering on the beach to enjoy the lake, sun, and art.

Spring '15

Spring '15

"Choice Bell" proudly displayed at Tahoe Beach Retreat.

Spring '15

Spring '15

Such a powerful silhouette displayed by "Aku Aku" with Tahoe at its back.

Spring '15

Spring '15

"Fertility" making a presence on the grounds of Tahoe Beach Retreat.

Spring '15

Spring '15

Group shot on Tahoe's shore.

Summer '15

Summer '15

Crew members help prepare for Burning Man.

Summer '15

Summer '15

Even when we're working we're having fun.

Summer '15

Summer '15

Gotta have lots of water on the playa.

Summer '15

Summer '15

Loading up sculptures to depart for the playa.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

Fueling up and making our way to the playa with several monuments.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

Monuments wait in a long line to enter Black Rock City, packed to the rim ready for adventure.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

Getting power into place and buried.

Burnning Man '15

Burnning Man '15

Crew member Joseph "Joey" Stanton hard at work again.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

Crew member Kyle Horvath setting things into place for sculptures.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

The crew slacking off after a long morning.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

Joey rigs "Hand of Order" to be stood up yet again on the playa.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

"Smoke N' Mirrors" instillation in front of the "Temple of Promise", closest of any art that year to the famous temple.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

"Hand of Order" on playa with the golden sun beaming behind her.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

"Unification Theory" back on the playa engulfed in glorious flames.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

Keeping warm and watching as "Unification Theory" roars with flames.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

"Unification Theory" the morning after her burn in front of the "Temple of Promise".

Burning Man 15

Burning Man 15

Sun shinning as individuals enjoy the presence of the cluster of monuments standing on the playa.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

Living in paradise.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

"Annunaki Watch" and "Hand of Order" clad in dust on the playa.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

After several adventures to the playa "Hand of Order" burns as TImeless presides over another powerful ritual.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

A participant driving the fire within her shield.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

"Hand of Order" burning brightly on the playa.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

Crackling embers glow in the night as Fire Inside consumes her wood.

Burning Man '15

Burning Man '15

First apprentice burn by Joseph Stanton at camp Gallavant.

San Francisco Decomp '15

San Francisco Decomp '15

Timeless with new friends at San Francisco decompression.

San Francisco Decomp '15

San Francisco Decomp '15

"Aku Aku" getting some attention.

San Francisco Decomp '15

San Francisco Decomp '15

"Aku Aku" and "Anuannki Watch" at the entrance to San Francisco Decompression.

San Francisco Decomp '15

San Francisco Decomp '15

Night vibes at San Francisco decompression.

South Bay Decomp '15

South Bay Decomp '15

"Aku Aku" and "Annunaki Watch" displayed at Lupin Lodge.

South Bay Decomp '15

South Bay Decomp '15

Lupin Lodge viewers enjoying the sculptures.

South Bay Decomp '15

South Bay Decomp '15

"Anunnaki Watch" And "Aku Aku" appearing at Lupin Lodge.

Reno Decompression '15

Reno Decompression '15

Creating a new bowsprit for Gallavant's USS Nevada art car.

Reno Decompression '15

Reno Decompression '15

Timeless closely studying as the flames spiral up the bowsprit.

Reno Decompression '15

Reno Decompression '15


Reno Decompression '15

Reno Decompression '15

Burning Man icon Danger Ranger enjoying the Fire Inside burn and Timeless' past sculptures.

USS Nevada Bowsprits

USS Nevada Bowsprits

Despite some clowning the bowsprit is fit into place for the first time on the USS Nevada as Timeless watches in disbelief.

USS Nevada

USS Nevada

USS Nevada's first year on playa with her new bowsprit, burned at Reno Decompression.

USS Nevada

USS Nevada

The magic takes hold.

Pray for Snow '15

Pray for Snow '15

A shot of "Hand of Order" on the beach before the "Pray for Snow Burn" at Tahoe Beach Retreat. Notice how there's no snow on the ground!

Pray for Snow '15

Pray for Snow '15

Re igniting the flames.

Pray for Snow '15

Pray for Snow '15

"Hand of Order" burning into the night.

Pray for Snow '15

Pray for Snow '15

Joey extinguishing the flames.

Pray for Snow '15

Pray for Snow '15

Second night as Joey's brother, Matt Stanton drives the flames in a lower burn, in hopes of bringing snow.

Pray for Snow '15

Pray for Snow '15

The morning after the "Pray for Snow Burn" on Tahoe beach. Would you look at that, everything was covered in a blanket of snow when we awoke the next morning. This was the first in a series of storms that broke a 12 year drought. Jus say'n...

Log for "Libertree"

Log for "Libertree"

Log for "Libertree", see the Burning Man in there?

Log for "Libertree"

Log for "Libertree"

Timeless' nephew Skylar removes dirt from "Libertree" log.

Winter '15 - Spring '16

Winter '15 - Spring '16

Production of "Libertree Maquette" begins.

Spring '16

Spring '16

Wax maquette for "Libertree" depicts a wooden carving with colorized, real flames that will soon be roaring from the top.

South Bay Precomp '16

South Bay Precomp '16

"Unification Theory" and "Minute Man" make an appearance at Lupin Lodge.

Lupin Lodge Precomp '16

Lupin Lodge Precomp '16

A close up of "Unification Theory" making an appearance at the Lupin Lodge, Precompression 2016.

South Bay Precomp '16

South Bay Precomp '16

Night view of the work, still in progress, "Minuteman."

South Bay Precomp '16

South Bay Precomp '16

Night view of the newly completed and hardened "Unification Theory."

Summer '16

Summer '16

Log for "Liberty Torch".

Summer '16

Summer '16

Work begins on the torch.

Summer '16

Summer '16

Sawdust flies as the mans face emerges.

Summer '16

Summer '16

Dialing in the flames.

Summer '16

Summer '16

First production phase completed, ready for a trip to the platya!

Burning Man '16

Burning Man '16

Funneling into Black Rock City once again.

Burning Man '16

Burning Man '16

Home sweet home.

Burning Man '16

Burning Man '16

The Fire Inside crew in the Arttery getting ready to install "Creative Cauldron".

Burning Man '16

Burning Man '16

Closest to the temple yet again, art works and crew await the install.

Burning Man '16

Burning Man '16

"Liberty Torch" is loaded onto its pedestal in a dust storm.

Burning Man '16

Burning Man '16

"Liberty Torch" Burning in front of the temple.

Burning Man '16

Burning Man '16

The USS Nevada art car stops for the Fire Inside burn and fire spinning performance.

Burning Man '16

Burning Man '16

Part of the larger sculpture display at Silicon Village.

Burning Man '16

Burning Man '16

Several of the Guardians make an appearances on playa at Silicon Village.

Burning Man '16

Burning Man '16

"Unification Theory" makes its first appearance on the playa sense the burn.

Burning Man'16

Burning Man'16

Flames tunneling through the sculpture.

Burning Man '16

Burning Man '16

Glowing embers consumes the caved flames.

Burning Man '16

Burning Man '16

"Liberty Torch" with temple burning in the background.

San Francisco Decomp '16

San Francisco Decomp '16

Live carving and sculpture display downtown San Fransisco.

San Francisco Decomp '16

San Francisco Decomp '16

Tattered crew for the San Francisco Decompression.

San Francisco Decomp '16

San Francisco Decomp '16

"Assemblage Point" and other Guardians on display.

San Francisco Decomp '16

San Francisco Decomp '16

"Unification Theory" looking glorious with her burned, hardened textures.

San Francisco Decomp '16

San Francisco Decomp '16

Two lovely ladies posing with "Speed of Thought."

San Francisco Decomp '16

San Francisco Decomp '16

Timeless charms the crowd with a chainsaw, in performance on streets of downtown San Francisco, Decompression 2015. It was a night to remember!

San Francisco Decomp '16

San Francisco Decomp '16

Crowds gather to watch as Timeless continues to shape "Liberty Torch".

Background (Commission wood carvings):

Contact the artist: Matthew “Timeless” Welter / Tel: (775) 230-1718 

Location and mailing: 19163 Scotts Flat rd. Nevada City, CA 95959

© 2017 by Fire Inside Art. 

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